April vs Director 7

This is it, the final part of April’s great straitjacket adventure. After meeting the director, filling in her complaint form, she is now on her way back home. NUTS! April failed all the psychological and physiological tests they gave her. The Director was shocked that anybody so unstable could walk the earth instead of being held in the strictest straitjacket and held in a heavily padded cell. Well luckily, AprilĀ“s best friend, nurse Michelle, cared about her secret lover and so introduced her to the Director. Together, and with the help of other nurses and LOTS of enemas and spanking, they can hope to repair April’s damaged mind. And if not, she is in the right place where she won’t hurt anybody.

DOWNLOAD (ADULTS ONLY) here: www.dbcomix.com/bondage/comics/april-vs-michelle-7-the-denouement

Authors: Dracowhip (art), Lombomb (corrections), Linda (texts, lettering), Boob2003 (author) and I have their permission to use.

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